We took a road trip, up the CA coast, to OR & even WA.
It was really cool & we saw a few really neat places.
We camped the first night in Northern Ca. It was odd for us to see forest right next to the beach...lots of cows, the cows even have beach front property! We camped @ the Reef Campground in the Fort Ross State park. For some reason I thought the campsite had electricity & showers--it did not. But it did have nice & clean toilets, one of the nicest, cleanest public/camping restrooms we've ever encountered. Hey---priorities, ya know? :D
This is a pic of some animal tracks we saw the next morning near the creek that ran along side our campsite.

After camping...we stopped @ a picnic area along the way. The Redwood trees were the main feature....there was a nature trail that we shallowly ventured into....maybe we can hike the complete trail 'next time'.

On our way home, but before we reached CA again...we saw a sign for a 'Pioneer Museum'. We ventured off the highway to take a look. THIS was the highlight. This tiny museum was filled to the rim w/ pioneer artifacts, store fronts, odds & ends of rich historical value. I must admit the wall of human hair was creepy, regretfully, by orders of the 'Meanest sheriff in town' we were not allowed to take any pictures while inside. The Linn County Museum contains one of the last 3 remaining original pioneer wagons actually used in the westward migration of America.

Since we've gotten home, we are working on making books about our trip; recording, drawing pictures & writing about our wonderful 'field trips'....which will also evolve into another book about the Pioneers.
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