Got the letter today.
I knew as soon as I saw it was a THIN envelope. DS did NOT want to open it.
'regret that we cannot admit you to the Visual arts Conservatory...." That's the one he REALLY wanted...but he seemed UNphased. I asked him if he was ok & he was like yah..NBD. lol
I probably took it harder than him BUT I didn't let him see or know that.
ALSO, in the SAME letter, it said: "blah blah are deserving of a place in the Integrated Arts Conservatory but there was not enough space so you have been put on a waiting list & we will let you know if a space opens up. Please let us know if you are not interested."
So that one is a 'maybe'. He said he does NOT want to go into the IA program...but again, if it's God's will, then there ya go.
Time for plan B. We will continue to homeschool through highschool BUT I am going to start him in Art classes @ the community college...starting THIS summer so he can get a feel for it.
Plus @ this point it is FREE!
I explained to him that if he wanted, he could take advantage of the community college program & potentially have his 1st 2 years of college completed by the time he graduates highschool.......Explained that it's time to REALLY start thinking about his future, taking it seriously & start thinking about what he wants to do in life in accordance to the way he thinks God is directing him as well.
It's almost like pulling teeth to have a conversation w/ that boy unless it's about Legos or video games! ugh.
I read into the few comments he makes...he asked if the college classes were going to have art students @ his 'level' or more advanced? SO to ME, that implies that he might be nervous...I explained that it's a CLASS & everyone in it would be there to LEARN. Everyone would have different abilities & even *I* could take the class if I wanted (which I don't but you never know, I might. lol). Also explained that yes, he would probably be the ONLY 14 yo in the class, of that I was fairly certain. lol
SO I am going to start making those appointments within the next week cause you have to meet w/ a counselor, get 'permission' ect.
Here's to a new adventure of having a highschooler! ;-)
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