Let my teaching drop as the rain, My speech distill as the dew, As raindrops on the tender herb, And as showers on the grass.
Deut. 32:2

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Another 20 days...

We meet w/ our ES (Educational Specialist) every 20 school days. We turn in work samples & an LR (Learning Record) of learning we have accomplished within the past 20 days.

Have I mentioned how much I *love* this program?

I am happy w/ the curriculum choices I've made this year....& I am really enjoying what we do & what is accomplished. Of course I feel it can (should?) always be *more* but when I create that LR & think over the past 20 days....well it certainly all adds up.

To top it off...I received the *best* compliment the other day.
I try to schedule appointments w/ the ES while DH is working so as not to take time away from his day off. It was unavoidable so he joined us for the meeting & witnessed me mad dash to corral all the work samples & create the LR.

Right before we leave he comes in & tells me: I am so proud of you for doing all of this, getting all their work together, & the lists of work. It really shows me how much you really do w/ them & I am proud of you for doing all that by yourself. It also shows me I really have *no* idea what they are doing w/ school. LOL & they are really doing a lot.

How rewarding is *that*?

I don't think he has ever said much, if anything w/ regards to their schoolwork. He trusts me.

But this meant SO much to me! ;-)