Let my teaching drop as the rain, My speech distill as the dew, As raindrops on the tender herb, And as showers on the grass.
Deut. 32:2

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

First Grade Science: Nature Study

I acquired this Nature Portfolio to use with my 1st grader. It is totally MY style, I'll admit. I am in love with the idea of sitting and observing nature. What I did not realize that is that it goes along with the Handbook of Nature Study. It might be great to have a hard copy of this in the future but for instant gratification...I found a FREE copy of this in electronic form from archive.org.

You can use the Kindle app (or an actual Kindle) to read electronic books from Amazon or wherever. The app is FREE. I downloaded the archive e-book to my laptop. From there you email it to your amazon kindle account. It will then download to your device and you have instant and easy access. It's easier to carry around a Kindle device or use the app on your tablet or phone than carry around your laptop to read, isn't it?

Along with finding the book, it didn't take but a few minutes to of googling (it's not really a verb, you know!?!) to find a corresponding companion site, handbookofnaturestudy.com which offers plenty of great activities and FREE (see the theme?) nature study printables.

I love being outdoors and I believe my children do too. As much as I don't like to impose my idea of learning upon them, but rather allow it to happen organically, especially in an outdoor environment...I can't help but be attracted to the idea of nature journaling. Am I the only one who finds this romantic? (in a poetic, Walden-Thoreau-is sort of way)

Nature journaling combines my two favs: nature and journaling. How can you want anything more? haha. One more thing...keeping a journal of any time but especially a nature journal because it tends to include more pictures, it becomes the sweetest keepsake when your children are grown. It's lovely to look back at their childhood musings and elementary ramblings. It's too sweet for words!

How are you handling science this year? What are your favorite resources and style?

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